New Vanity Toll Free Numbers Boost Sales

by: 00juno , November 25, 2013

Vanity Toll Free Numbers, Toll Free Benefits, Boost Sales, Small Business, 844 Toll Free Numbers, 844 NumbersDid you know that a toll free number is proven to generate 30%-40% more orders and increase customer satisfaction? With the holidays right around the corner, it is a perfect time for small business owners to pre-order a new 844 toll free number to boost holiday sales!

On December 7, 2013, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) releases a new 844 prefix that opens the door for vanity toll free phone number options. If you act now, you can pre-order an 844 vanity toll free number with a brand that complements your website name. Get creative while you still have time to secure the words of your choice.

Here are some ideas:











Remember that your competitors are probably also aware that this opportunity for a new 844 vanity toll free number releases on December 7, 2013. Be the first to synchronize your toll free number with your business website, and make your customers happy this season.

High Demand for Toll Free

With the increase in eCommerce across the Internet landscape, toll free numbers are still in high demand. It has been over two years since the FCC released a new toll free number prefix. With only five previous prefixes in use, 844 is a long-awaited solution for many business owners.

Data shows that 90% of Americans use toll free calling regularly. And with over 1.2 billion consumers accessing the web from mobile devices, mobile and social technologies are driving online consumers. New businesses have greater opportunities for success, and a toll free number is one more way to reach customers and increase sales. Consumers are expecting robust, service-based web experiences, and toll free calling provides this advantage.

Benefits of Vanity Toll Free

With a custom 844 vanity toll free number, you will stand out among your competitors. Your customers can easily reach you to find out more about your products and services. The benefits are enticing:

·      Improve relationships with customer and generate return business

·      Provide a robust, positive customer experience

·      Customers enjoy free calling and they love it

·      Improve your Internet rankings among competitors

·      Increase your web traffic with easy-to-find naming conventions

·      Improve security with this generic area code system

·      Advertise with a newly-branded toll free number to match your website

Once you reserve your new 844 vanity toll free number, you may also want to consider updating your marketing campaign with a refreshed website, business cards, and other collateral to prepare your customers for your new calling opportunity. This worldwide addition of the 844 prefix for toll free calling can improve the future of your business.

Establishing a new 844 vanity toll free number will set you apart, provide a positive customer web experience that drives sales, and produce a phone number that will be easier for customers to remember. Get in line to pre-order your new 844 vanity toll free number. Take a step today that will make an impression tomorrow!



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