How Vanity Toll Free Numbers Boost Communications and Break Barriers

by: 00juno , June 11, 2013

Does your technology create barriers, separating you from audiences and businesses from whom you could greatly benefit? Many of today’s technological trends feature Smartphone apps capable of ordering pizzas, voting for the next American Idol, shopping for clothing or even groceries. We’ll admit, some of them are really cool but aren’t for everyone. If you’re a small business counting every commission and every customer as a means of survival, sometimes excluding those who don’t succumb to all the technological trends can prove detrimental to your operations.

Chances are that customers with language barriers or disabilities are always going to feel singled out. This could be due to age, a physical or mental disability, or living conditions that keep them from bringing their business to you. Unfortunately, many businesses stay on one side of the barrier, opting to turn them away. But if you can bridge those gaps, you can turn those shrugs into sales.

This isn’t just about seeing more dollar signs in the business that comes your way; this is about reaching out. Let’s say you provide a product or service that is revered by different ethnicities. If you don’t have an answering service that caters to callers that speak other languages or who are from different countries, they are likely to hang up. Much as some businesses feature the use of a multi-lingual interface allowing visitors to choose their language and even the country they are calling from, your vanity toll free number can serve multiple nationalities, those with special needs, and even those that don’t use the Internet.

Not only does a vanity number give potential callers an avenue of communication, as easy to remember as a popular “.com” domain, it also gives your business a boost in brand perception. And best of all, people talk. If you’re the business that breaks the communication barriers, your customers will also refer you to their friends and family with the same needs.

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