How Much of a Small Business Hero Are You?

by: admin , May 1, 2014

Did you know that small business owners generate nearly two-thirds of all new jobs in America, as well as contribute over 70 percent to the country’s gross domestic product (GDP)? Entrepreneurs and small business owners provide the impetus for American economic growth, but you rarely hear the term “Hero” applied to the small business community. A closer look at American small businesses reveals several common traits that define small business heroes. Do you have any of these traits, and do you actually know how to be the small business hero?


The concept of mentoring has lost its way in the small business lexicon. Entrepreneurs do not have the time or energy to lead like-minded, yet inexperienced employees down the path of business leadership. Yet, mentoring represents the best way to ensure organizational continuity and establish small business owners and entrepreneurs as heroes in their communities. Mentoring involves much more than developing professional skills, such as enhancing customer experiences.

“Buy Local”

Small business heroes step up during the most difficult times faced by communities. From helping survivors clean up after a vicious storm or organizing a food drive to assist desperately hungry families, or even supporting “buy local” campaigns, small business owners have become role models that people in the community place in high regard. Whenever the going gets tough, the community looks for its small business heroes to step up and support.

Community Presence

Many of the activities pursued by community members often depend on the generosity displayed by small business owners and entrepreneurs. Little league baseball teams receive support in terms of uniforms and league membership fees. Scouting organizations receive donated goods to for camping outings and other special events. Small business operators help local groups get their financial footing and hence, become heroes in the eyes of the beneficiaries.


By demonstrating the resolve it takes to run a small business, entrepreneurs provide younger members of the community with examples on how to succeed through hard work, dedication, and ingenuity. Small business owners can also host career days that allow young members of the community to experience what it takes to run a small business. As role models, small business owners achieve hero status among impressionable youth that need guidance to start their professional journeys.

All in all, when we think of a “hero”, a few professions come to mind. Our society attaches the label “hero” to several professions, including those who provide comfort and aid during a crisis. Although the label loses its luster through overuse, it never loses its luster when applied to entrepreneurs and small business owners.

© Balint Radu –

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