What to Avoid in Choosing a 1-800 Number

by: blog-editor2 , March 22, 2010

Choosing a 1-800 number is a great advertising method that boosts conversion rates and increases brand awareness. By your choosing the numbers that correspond to your business, whether it is the brand name or the product itself, customers will find it easier to remember who and what number they should call. For example, if you are selling motorbikes, it would be a good idea to choose a vanity number that looks like 1-800-BIKE.

At the same time, certain pitfalls should be avoided. Here are some of the common mistakes marketers make in choosing a 1-800 number:

Insisting on Including the Brand Name

Sometimes, it makes more sense not to include the company or brand name in the 1-800 number. If your company name is composed of three letters, for instance, it might be better to select a core product to be inserted in the vanity number, similar to the BIKE example above.

Choosing an Awkward Number

In a 1-800 number, two-letter words are awkward. So is a three-letter word number. It is recommended to choose four-letter words and seven-letter words, which are easier for consumers to remember. In addition, they better suit the company because they will produce long-term benefits.

Postponing the Selection

If you’re unsure about which 1-800 number to select, it is important to start your research today. Don’t postpone the task. Hundreds of companies are registering their own vanity numbers. You might lose the one that is perfect for your organization.

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