Toll Free Numbers and TV Ads

by: Custom Toll Free , May 17, 2011

Thinking of running TV ads? Toll free numbers have proven invaluable in TV advertising campaign success. How much difference can they make and what type of toll free numbers should you be using?

Despite the expansion of DVRs and many people spending as much time on their social media as they do in front of the television these days, TV advertising still remains incredibly effective. You can definitely improve the success of your TV campaigns by targeting your ads better and having them shown at the best times for your market, yet there are few factors that are as important as your business phone number when it comes to actually generating incoming calls and new business.

With TV ads consumers only have a few seconds to grab the phone and dial your number, even if and after your ad has caught their attention and spiked their interest. In fact many advertisers suffer not because their ads are bad, nor because people are not interested in their product or service but simply because they cannot catch the phone number in time. How sad is that? You have thousands of prospects interested and wanting to do business with you, but they can’t because you phone number is too complicated and not easy enough to remember!

Clearly toll free numbers, and in particular vanity numbers can quickly and easily solve this problem. Vanity toll free numbers can be memorized in a split second so that even if interested prospects can not call by the time your ad ends, they can still reach you and do business with you. While toll free numbers have been shown to increase the response rates of direct mail and other forms of marketing, it is obvious that their impact on the success of your TV ads can be much more dramatic. In fact if you are not utilizing toll free numbers in your television commercials you may as well just be dumping money down the drain.

For the amount you are putting into your TV ads and how inexpensive toll free numbers are today it is easy to see why they are considered by many experts to be the best investment you can make in your business. So are you going to leave the masses fumbling with their phones and frustrated that they couldn’t catch your number or are yourtoll free numbers going to have your phones ringing off the hook and have the revenues rolling in?

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