J.C.W. Joins Custom Toll Free [Case Study]

by: admin , March 10, 2015
Company Name: J.C.W. Properties LLC
Contact Name: John Wakefield
Location: Michigan
Industry: Real Estate
Toll Free Number: 1-866-Get-Calls
Overview of Your Company:
Based in Michigan – J.C.W. Properties offers home buying and selling solutions. We buy homes in any condition for “fix and flip”, fix and rent, and rent to own (lease with option to buy). We will also work with clients to find the right lender that can help with long-term credit repair, to ensure they’re able to successfully achieve home ownership if that is their goal.
Why Did You Get a Toll Free Number?
866-Get-Calls is for a new promotion to specifically go on an advertising billboard. We wanted a good number so that when folks are driving by they’re going to easily remember the number. We’ve done something similar on a smaller test and had great results with a local number, and we’re excited to do this with our 866-Get-Calls number.
Congratulations JCW Properties and thanks for joining Custom Toll Free!

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