How toll free numbers help companies manage the telecommuting workforce

by: admin , April 14, 2009

For years, companies have used toll free numbers to boost sales and streamline customer service. But today an increasing number of firms are getting toll free numbers to manage the costs of calling for their telecommuting workforce.

An estimated 25 percent of the U.S. workforce is involved in full- or part-time telecommuting. Companies have discovered that telecommuting helps them save a bundle on office space, comply with local government “trip reduction” requirements, and attract and retain talented workers who would be reluctant to make a long daily commute.

Toll free numbers are helping these companies manage their telecommuting workforce. Rather than handling complicated reimbursement paperwork for employees trying to use a cell phone for both personal and office work, many corporations are simply setting up toll free numbers for business calling.

Control calling costs for off-site employees

Some companies set up toll-free numbers that allow employees to call into the office switchboard from anywhere they might be. (In a survey of telecommuters reported at, 40 percent said that their companies had were providing them with such toll-free numbers for internal calls.)

Many agencies in the U.S. government rely on toll-free numbers for telecommuters and field workers. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s telecommuter guidelines require that employees use the toll free number when calling in from any long-distance location.

Still other companies are employing toll-free numbers as part of the computer network services for telecommuting employees.

Connect customers with your home-based agents

Companies such as Peak Travel have assigned individual toll-free numbers to each of their  home-based agents. Calls from customers are routed directed to those travel agents, helping the company manage costs and record keeping.

Find out more

If you are setting up or revamping your telecommuter program, contact Custom Toll Free to find out more about toll-free numbers and how they can help your organization and your bottom line.

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