How a Toll Free Number Builds Traffic and Trust

by: admin , December 26, 2014

Did you know that 52% of Americans make 50 or more toll free calls per year? How many calls did your business receive this year? With a toll free number, your business can expect to see an immediate increase in call volume, happy customers, and sales.

Here is how a toll free number can build traffic and trust for your small business.

TRAFFIC. One tried and true way to build brand recognition for your small business is by tying in a memorable and creative toll free number. Think of a word or phrase that would best describe your business, products and/or services. Then, use that word or phrase and incorporate it into a vanity number.

Now, when potential and even existing customers think of your business, they will immediately be able to recall your number, making it even easier for them to refer your business to others. Word-of-mouth is the most common and effective form of advertising that instantly builds traffic…and it’s free.

TRUST. In addition to building traffic, a toll free number also builds trust. Businesses that present toll free numbers tell their existing and potential customers and audience that they are serious about their business. Toll free numbers are a great way for businesses to establish trust and a great reputation with customers. It is proven that most customers are more apt to work with or call upon the services of a business with a toll free number.

TOLL FREE TRIAL. Toll free numbers are an easy and cost effective approach to instantly boosting your small business brand, establishing a strong and lasting reputation and relationship with customers, and even see an immediate return on investment.

Still not convinced? Why not test out a toll free number for free? See the powers and benefits of a toll free number and how you can make them work for your business. Sign up for a toll free number absolutely free today with no obligation until February 2015.

But don’t wait… Our final 2014 offer lasts until December 31st, so take advantage of the free trial by reserving your toll free number. Start building more traffic and trust with a toll free trial today.


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