Get the phone to ring: How to advertise your toll-free number

by: Custom Toll Free , May 19, 2016

Whether you’re waiting to close a big sale or simply expecting a friend to call, the first step toward getting the phone to ring is to make sure the person on the other line knows how to get in touch. Your business has a toll-free number, but are you advertising it in all the right places? Toll-free numbers are part of a versatile marketing strategy to help boost and track your business.

Here are some important ways you should be promoting your toll-free number:


Of course the most obvious place to display your toll-free number is on your website. This may seem like a no-brainer, but do you include it on every single page? Make sure a potential customer can easily reach you no matter which page of your site they’re looking at.

Business cards

Include all of the relevant phone numbers on the business cards for both you and your employees. Many companies end up spending thousands of dollars on business cards, so you might as well put them to good use. For some creative business card ideas, check out Canva.

Other various offline placements

There are plenty of opportunities to showcase your toll-free number offline. If you have a storefront, make sure to prominently display your number for people passing by. Additionally, you can market your number on any paper products your company distributes or uses, your company vehicles and employee uniforms. Place local ads in the newspaper to generate buzz and keep your company top of mind throughout the community.

Social media sites

Are you sure your toll-free number is listed on all of your social channels, including Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and LinkedIn? Many of your customers will search for you online before they even consider picking up the phone. Make it easy for them to reach you by including your phone number everywhere you can. If a customer is looking at your social site on a smartphone, they can easily click the link attached to your number to get in touch.

Email campaigns

If your business sends regular email campaigns, be sure to include your toll-free number in every call to action. Don’t just include at the end of the page, though. Instead of making the customer scroll down to the bottom of the page, display your number prominently. Make your email blasts even better with these effective tips:

With the right tools and strategies, your inbound phone leads will skyrocket. To learn more about toll-free numbers and how they work, visit

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