Free 800 Numbers

by: blog-editor2 , May 19, 2010

Small businesses can benefit greatly from 800 numbers. They are an effective marketing tool that can provide instant credibility and exposure. In using a toll free 800 number, the business pays for every call made by the customer or prospect. This free call encourages everyone, including those who are minimally interested in the product or service, to pick up the phone to know more.

Not surprisingly, the majority of small businesses consider 800 numbers to be essential for their success. Probably the most difficult part of setting up an 800 number is finding out the prices of service and comparing deals. Some providers may offer free 800 numbers for a limited time. If you encounter these types of promotions, take advantage of them while they last. In general, most providers will offer you value for your money. A number of 800 numbers are also being offered at steep discounts.

If you are a first-time subscriber, make sure you are aware of the promotions available in the 800 number market. For example, many providers offer 30-day trials to attract a bigger market share. After this period expires, the cost of 800 numbers will vary depending on the number selection and the toll-free provider. The cost of calls can range from less than $.10 to $.25 per minute. Be sure to scrutinize each offer carefully to get the best deal available. At the same time, remember the cost is small if it encourages more prospects to call and do business with you.

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