Facebook Tells Brands They Aren’t Pitching Hard Enough!

by: Custom Toll Free , May 16, 2012

In an effort to spur more marketing and more usage of the social network for business, Facebook has followed the recent lead of search giants, Google and Bing, in sharing with brand owners what they need to do to increase advertising effectiveness.
After a month of comparing the results of various brands on Facebook, the social platform has determined businesses aren’t pitching themselves hard enough, contrary to what many “gurus” have been saying.
Facebook recommends more posts directly talking about the brand in order to increase engagement as well as asking questions and flat out asking for the business and more likes with calls to action.
Other advice dished out ahead of the IPO includes building better brand pages and using more visuals in the form of photos and videos to encourage more likes.
With Bing now incorporating Facebook updates into its search results, social publishing is going to only become more important for businesses of all sizes and in every industry. Now in order to rank well with the search engines, brands need to be using Google+, Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook at a minimum.
However, these social platforms must also be set up and used in the right way. Profiles need to be optimized for search engines with keywords in the right fields and appropriate links. Plus, especially when it comes to Facebook, each and every update needs to be optimized too.
Don’t forget the importance of incorporating complete contact details which are matching across each platform in order to boost local marketing and local SEO efforts. The same goes for logos, vanity numbers and verbal branding; it should all be congruent across all customer facing web assets and traditional marketing channels as well.
Not having a serious social strategy isn’t an option any longer. In order to compete today businesses need to be going the extra mile to blow away their competition on social networks like Facebook.

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