4 Easy Ways a Toll Free Number Boosts Sales

by: admin , March 20, 2015

Fotolia_67762303_Subscription_Monthly_MConsumer demand in the mobile and social landscapes of the 21st century call for extreme user experiences, and toll free numbers are a marketing strategy proven to increase business calls, generate referrals, and boost sales.

Your company, small or large, has a new opportunity to use a distinguished medium to become established within your market. Subscriptions for toll free prefixes are up, as companies seek to give their target audiences that personalized, buyer-centric customer journey. Additionally, recent evaluations in toll free calling reveal that vanity numbers such as 855-JAVANOW or 866-LIGHTIT result in improved customer recall, retention, and response as compared with a generic or random phone number.

Case in point: It’s no secret: Toll free calling can boost sales, and there are four easy ways it is done.

1. BRAND EXPERIENCE. Your brand resonates in the minds of your customers when you provide a toll free number. They enjoy the gift of toll free calling and they associate your products and services with a creative vanity number that literally spells out your company’s name or tagline.

Case in point: You subconsciously share your brand expression and your customers want to come back for more.

2. CONSUMER RECALL. Mobile and social platforms are making it easier for consumers to find the products they love. Whether your patrons plan to order online or have questions related to your product or services, customers recall your vanity toll free number at every touch-point.

Case in point: Create a vanity number that is catchy, relevant, and simple, and customers will remember you every time.

3. CUSTOMER CONVENIENCE. Visit any enterprise mobile site, and a toll free number is present at the top of the device window. This is customer convenience, and every next-generation consumer is spoiled by it. If you’re not offering it, you may not be competitive in your market. Online purchasing in and of itself is a matter of convenience.

Case in point: There is a reason your customers are not in the store but are rather seeking their products online, and your job it to make it easy for them with toll free calling while at the same time you reap the rewards.

4. USER EXPERIENCE. While you consider ways to beat your competition, this challenge is best managed by offering customers a user experience they won’t forget. Not only does your selling platform need to be seamless on any device, your customers must also be impressed with their experience…enough to want to repeat it and share it socially. It’s all about user-generated content today.

Case in point: Extreme user experiences include toll free calling. It’s that simple.

All in all, invest in toll free numbers for your customers and boost your sales. You shorten the sales process, drive valued sales conversions, and promote your product offerings. Toll free numbers are a direct link to “user experience” in today’s digital and ecommerce landscape. Let your customers know you care.


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