10 Business Clean-Up Areas in 10 Minutes or Less

by: Custom Toll Free , June 29, 2015

In the world of business, we all would agree that there just aren’t enough hours in the day to…fill in the blank: Keep track of follow-ups. Recruit and train staff. Clean our offices. How about eat or sleep?

We can get so busy in the running of our businesses that we forget to do regular health checks on how business operations are functioning. Take five minutes to read through these cleanup ideas, and you may come out with the idea to remove a long-term pain point, discover a new marketing strategy, or simply remind yourself of some overdue housekeeping.

The solution to your endless time gap is here. Use this quick checklist to evaluate ten areas to clean up in your business to not only check in on the health of your business’s marketing and operations, but to pave the way to new success.

1.    Do you know how much you’re really spending – monthly, annually?

Before you can plan a marketing budget first you must figure out how much you’re really spending, and how much return you see from your present marketing efforts. Is there room to improve?

2.    Have a list of all the marketing and advertising channels you are using, and what they cost?

Make one if you don’t. After you’ve determined all your current marketing and advertising channels you are currently using and what they cost, how does it look to you? Do you see some areas that are not performing well, and could be reallocated to marketing that is producing leads and sales? This is a great step to review and revamp.

3.    Are there outdated online profiles that need updating?

What information on your business is floating around out there? Is the information outdated, incorrect, or inconsistent? Take the time to clean up these items. Consistent information means a trustworthy business.

4.    Have you put new content on your website lately?

When was the last time you refreshed your website content or posted a blog? Before you say, who has time? Don’t forget about your content marketing. Your content marketing strategy should always be a part of your overall marketing campaign.

It is imperative in today’s market that you are consistently updating, or changing up content on your site, or social media accounts. You don’t have to have an intense content marketing strategy, but you should always freshen up your online content.

5.    Ongoing communication with existing clients? Past customers? Cancelled customers?

It is a true statement that it’s easier to keep a customer than it is to get a new one. Sometimes customers leave, but it doesn’t mean they won’t return. Don’t ignore your previous clients, keep inviting them with your incentives, promotions, or simple company news and updates.

They say communication is one of the most important elements of any relationship. That goes for business to customer relationships, too. Does your business currently practice open communication with current customers? What about past customers?

6.    Overlooking untapped lead sources? Keeping your eye on new opportunities will keep focus on growth and expansion.

Today it’s all about lead nurturing. In fact, many sales and marketing—or marketing and sales enablement (“smarketing”)—teams have been focusing on lead scoring to really reach those hot leads and nurture the ones who rank a little lower in the sales funnel. What is your lead scoring technique?

7.    Have you ever thought about removing low-revenue, high-maintenance clients to free up time and resources?

In business, they say that all clients are important, but there comes a point in business where maybe that high maintenance, but low revenue producing client just isn’t working anymore. It might be worthwhile for both your bottom line, as well as your employees’ morale to say goodbye.

Small Business; Business Clean-Up; Management; Entrepreneur8.    Cluttered office? It is beyond time to go paperless. Store receipts, and business documents in secure, online systems.

One secret behind super successful entrepreneurs is working in a clean, organized office. Working in an organized space not only makes entrepreneurs feel better, but it can also boost productivity. Even if you can’t dedicate an entire day to cleaning your office, spend ten minutes at the beginning of each day or before you shut down each evening cleaning your space.

9.    Speaking of clutter, if it’s beyond the required time for storing, get rid of all outdated business documents.

Tired of looking at those old boxes full of boxes from who knows when? If you look around your office and notice piles of boxes full of God knows what, then it’s time to get rid of them. Even if the boxes contain information or documents you may still need, take some time each day to scan and store them on a server or on the cloud…and free up some much needed space!

10. Have a monthly marketing date? Set a monthly (if not weekly, or daily) appointment to spend time researching new business development ideas, marketing strategies, industry news and more.

This idea is gold. Taking the time each week or month to research industry trends will not only help you stay abreast of what is happening in your industry, it will also help you keep your creativity and your ideas fresh.

Remember, this is your business; your blood, sweat, and tears…your baby. Make the time to keep it fresh, new, and at the leading edge…so you can maintain your competitive edge.

For more information on how to clean up or further streamline your business’s marketing operations with a toll free vanity number, contact the expert team at Custom Toll Free by calling 1-800-CUSTOMIZE today.

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